SBCSC Scholarship 2017

It is that time again as the South Bay Chinese Service Club Scholarship Committee is starting to prepare for the SBCSC scholarships award program which is entering into its 48th year of awarding scholarships to exemplary high school students of Chinese descent at our local community. Children of club members and students residing in Fremont, Newark, or Union City are eligible to apply. The purpose of the scholarship program is to recognize these talented students for their hard work and achievements, and to provide encouragement for the challenges ahead. The applicants are carefully evaluated based on academic achievement, leadership, community service, and extracurricular achievement.

The scholarship application form is now available online at our website:

We are continuing to improve the scholarship application process to make it easier for our applicants. New this year: applicants can now fill out the complete application form online without needing to download the form. If your students or your friends and neighbor’s students are interested in applying for this scholarship, please check out our website.

Last year, with record high generous donations from many of our members and major sponsors such as Fremont Bank, Comcast, and Dutra Enterprises, and Citizens for Better Community, we have awarded a total of $18,500 scholarship awards to 19 students. This year, with your help, our goal is to generate an equal or higher amount for our scholarship fund.

The scholarship awards will be presented during the annual scholarship banquet to be held in the evening of Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at the Mayflower Restaurant in Union City. Our guests will include applicants, donors, former award winners, club members, school counselors, and local officials. A special keynote speaker will address the graduates and the guests. This will be one event you do not want to miss next year! So mark your calendar.

The names of the donors who make this program possible will be included in the program and other printed materials. Donations of $125 or more are entitled to receive complementary dinners at the scholarship banquet and all donors will receive written acknowledgment for their tax-deductible contributions. Your participation will make a powerful statement about the strength of our community.

For your convenience, we are accepting donation using major credit cards on our website: . If you prefer to send us a check, please use the form on the next page or download it from our website.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this program. Thank you for your continued support to one of the longest running scholarship programs in the Chinese Community.


Joe Woo,
SBCSC Scholarship Committee Chair (510) 651-1629

